Six Sunday #24: Chills

Did you miss me? I’ve emerged from my writing cave a very conflicted woman. On the one hand my WIP – Forsaking the Prize – might just be the best thing I’ve ever written (Of course I think that about every story for at least 10 minutes) but then I read that Six Sunday would end later this year. Very sorry to hear that. I do enjoy a good excuse to cruise author blogs on a Sunday/Monday night.

This week – Chills. My first long novel, like my first kiss, is still very dear to my heart. (Note to self: must tally up just how many kissing scenes I’ve written so far – could be interesting) In this scene, my hero and heroine are at odds over her plans to marry.

* * *

Constance clenched her hands into fists. “There is no need to sound so surprised at my good fortune. Cullen proposed before I left home, and I was very happy to accept. We will be married in a month.”

The marquess rose to his feet and towered over her. “I forbid it.”

* * *

I really appreciate everyone who reads and comments each week, and those visiting my blog for the first time. You will find amazing authors participating in Six Sunday by visiting the host site, Six Sentence Sunday and by searching for #sixsunday via Twitter.

15 thoughts on “Six Sunday #24: Chills”

  1. Poor marquess, simply trying to forbid a wedding NEVER works LOL. I’m sure there will be a lot of interesting developments, can’t wait! Great six, as always…

  2. Oh my. He forbids it. There’s trouble brewing. Nice conflict and tension going on.

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