#SixSunday 40 – In Her Image

Hey there. Welcome to my blog. I really appreciate everyone who reads and comments each week, and those visiting my blog for the first time. If you’re new, each Sunday a great bunch of writers publish a short six sentence excerpt from a work in progress or a published story. If you’re a frequent visitor, this is #SixSunday 40 – In Her Image post. You will find amazing authors participating in Six Sunday by visiting the host site, Six Sentence Sunday and by searching for #SixSunday via Twitter.

This week I’m continuing with six from In Her Image, my newsletter serialized story.


The man hunkered down to the child’s level and he appeared to be speaking earnestly. Surprised by his patience and calm approach, Doris sat forward, wishing she could hear the exchange. The little girls head dropped low, possibly at a rebuke, but the man chucked her under the chin to raise her face and she smiled again.

A pretty blonde infant wrapped in lavender cotton and fine lace.

It was then Doris noticed the whole family was clothed in varying degrees of mourning colors: somber lavender and grey for the girls, seriously dark for the boys. Feeling uncomfortably aware that she might be spying on a grief stricken family engaged in a brief moment of levity, she looked down.


#SixSunday 40 - In Her Image


My Regency Romance Books

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12 thoughts on “#SixSunday 40 – In Her Image”

  1. Heather, I love how engaged she is with their activities and now their circumstance. Even though they are strangers, she empathizes. Amazing how much one can discover just by observing.

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