#SixSunday 42 In Her Image

Happiness is . . .  a few hours spent in Officeworks. With a weak excuse of gathering school supplies for my son a whole month early, I’ve spent my Sunday morning in stationary heaven. Pencils, exercise books, lever arch files — Once I’ve settled on my goals for the year, I’ll be ready for 2013. Just waiting on the year to change. I hope you’re all set for the new year, too and have a great New Years Eve.

I’m continuing with my wip, In Her Image, last week Doris was faced with a new and unpleasant view.


The riding crop clenched in his hand brought her to her feet as panic hit her. “Marcel?”

When no reassuring voice answered her call, she blanched at the prospect of this meeting. Cautiously, she faced Lord Ramsay, viscount and bothersome pest.

“My dearest, Lottie.” His jowls quivered as he caught his breath, but his eyes scored her skin as if she was standing naked before him.


#SixSunday 42 In Her Image

 I really appreciate everyone who reads and comments each week, and those visiting my blog for the first time. If you’re new, each Sunday a great bunch of writers publish a short six sentence excerpt from a work in progress or a published story. You will find amazing authors participating in Six Sunday by visiting the host site, Six Sentence Sunday and by searching for #SixSunday via Twitter.

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