Affairs, Keepsakes and the Regency

Everyone has fantasies. Some little, some great. I have my hubby to thank for today’s inspiration. He wants to go everywhere. Bora Bora is today’s exciting location of choice. Me? I’m still wishing for England but its not going to happen this year sadly. Writing and the research I need to give me a glimpse into my favourite place will have to do for a while longer.

This week I’m finishing up a first draft of an upcoming novel and its been a blast crawling over images and descriptions of Mayfair. Keepsake has kept me up nights as my (husband and wife) hero and heroine battle against my plans to bring them together at long last. A very stubborn pair.

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An Accidental Affair releases this coming week and I’m so excited. Today I’m sharing the first chapter (PDF) excerpt for your reading pleasure. Read it now and don’t miss reserving your copy at Apple and also now at Kobo.


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PleasuringTheLady300-199x300Last Regency Read and Loved

Pleasuring the Lady by Jess Michaels. 2nd Book in the Pleasure Wars Series. Regency erotic romance.

I’ve been a fan of her regency stories for quite a while (writing as Jenna Peterson too) and finally got a chance to read Portia and Miles’ story last wait. I do love near strangers thrown together and forced to marry stories. I can’t wait for book 3 and 4 so I’ve preordered those already. I’m dying to know how she’s going to fix Liam (Earl of Windbury) in book 3.

Rating – One for my keeper shelf.


So that’s it for this week. It’s Friday afternoon and I’m looking forward to a weekend of doing very little for a couple of days. I’ve started my weekend with Mansfield Park on the TV (get away from Fanny Price Henry Crawford. He is so wrong for her!) Tomorrow I’m going to tackle my TBR pile. There’s so many wonderful regency historical romances I’ve missed. I’m WAY behind. Have a good weekend one and all!


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