Limited Time Sale – The Wedding Affair 99c now!

Limited Time Sale – The Wedding Affair 99c now!

The Wedding Affair on sale bannerGreat news! The Wedding Affair is on sale RIGHT NOW for 99c!

The deal won’t last long so grab your copy quick before the price returns to normal.

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Kobo   Barnes & Noble

All Romance eBooks   GooglePlay


Also… a word about reviews

Reviews are important to me. I am always grateful when a reader takes the time to comment on what they like about my stories. Quotable reviews ones make my day. Thank you! But in the last week I’ve learned that has changed the requirements for leaving reviews on products in a big way. See for yourself:


You can read the full conditions for leaving a review here.

If this change affects you, and the reviews you’ve written have disappeared, I’m sure you’re frustrated. You may have won books as prizes during the year, or been given gift cards at Christmas or birthdays or even from Facebook parties. You should be able to have your say about them if you want to. And I’m positive it has been possible to be a avid reader in the past without once using a credit card at Amazon.

Despite the annoyance though, always remember there are other places happy to take your review without making you use your credit card first: Apple iBooks, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, All Romance Ebooks, and Goodreads. Amazon is not the only place that sells books…its just the place most people talk about first.

As always, whenever or wherever you leave a review, I hope you enjoy my stories.


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