Year Without Rickman #MFRWAuthor

Year without Rickman

I’m back for the MFRW 52 week blogging challenge! Each week I will write a post from a set list of topics that with luck will a) get me blogging more often and b) help you get to know me better.

This week’s theme is: Shows I binge

What a difference a year makes. People leave a mark. Characters touch you and sometimes never leave. That’s what actor Alan Rickman did for me. He was a great actor and as we’ve just passed the first anniversary of his death I’m finding comfort in what he’s left behind.

I’ve just started another run through his body of work to mark this first anniversary of his death. I first fell for him in Truly, Madly, Deeply. Laughed at him as the Sherrif of Nottingham eating hearts out with a spoon, and loved him always as Professor Severus Snape. Of course, there are so many other roles to love. The legacy he’s left behind his impressive and yet I still wish for more like this:

I feel that way about TV shows too. I have about ten that I binge watch one after another. Here are my favorite three:

–NCIS – I loved that show but once Ziva was written out I just couldn’t continue watching new episodes. I only rewatch from Season 3 to her exit.

–I’m also strangely fascinated by The Fall. It’s a gritty series about a serial killer. The villain is not a nice man and yet I cannot look away. His adversary Stella Gibson, a police detective, is an odd one, extremely good at her job but also a bit of a siren to men. Gillian Anderson is amazing to watch as Stella. Jamie Dornan is utterly creepy in a good looking sort of way.

–Sherlock. I’ve probably banged on about my love of the BBC series many times before. Season 3 has just aired and while I didn’t realize it at the time I was apparently so caught up in it I was shouting at the TV. Sadly it’s supposed to be the last season for years aired, if they ever do another.

Thank heavens for DVD’s or Netflix and Stan for endless reruns.

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6 thoughts on “Year Without Rickman #MFRWAuthor”

  1. That is a great idea. I love Alan Rickman. His Sheriff of Nottingham was brilliant and made that otherwise lackluster movie watchable! His last movie was Eye in the Sky and it’s brilliant, but thought-provoking and sad. Really good.

  2. Interesting point you brought up about actors no longer with us. It seems the older we get the fewer of our favorite actors are still around. I agree about NCIS and Ziva. TThe show never recovered for me. And their LA office has already lost several people, and now Ferrer.

  3. LOVE Alan Rickman. We watched Galaxy Quest this weekend. I watch NCIS for Mark Harmon 😉 And now I watch Bull for Christopher Jackson. Happy to say he had a much larger part this past week. To go from George Washington to costumer/stylist extraordinaire still seems like a step down even with Michael Wetherly as your boss. Rant on about Sherlock any time – my favorite!

  4. Alan Rickman was one of my favorites. I first saw him in Die Hard. I think that’s the name of the movie. He was the bad guy. The Fall sounds like a good series. Love Gillian!

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