Sam or Dean Winchester

Sam or Dean WinchesterCalling all hopeless romantics! It’s the month of February and there’s so much going on I’m already exhausted! On the writing front I’m having a good year so far. I always write with noise– music but not radio. I find the talking interrupts my train of thought. But an old favorite tv series (streaming) works great as well. The writing fuel for January and February is Supernatural (for like the 100th time). Who do you favor, Sam or Dean Winchester or is it Castiel? Keep reading to find out my hero inspiration from the show.

The January word count was high and consistent over last month. I’m working on multiple projects at once and it feels really good to write that way again. I used to write that way in the beginning before I started overthinking things. I’m a writer who has to puzzle her way to the last page and I don’t do well with outside distractions.

Scandalous Brides series

The next story is coming along, not as fast as I’d hoped but progress is progress. Nash and Laura were being difficult in the beginning (with each other and with me too) but I think they turned a corner last week so now we can get to the good stuff…getting them into bed and the happy ever after they deserve.

Short is good too

I love writing short stories. A lot of authors don’t. My first published release was a short story and they are great for my motivation and my #1 achiever personality trait. They are quick and straightforward tales for me to tell and easy quick reads for my readers too. I got an idea for a story one morning in January and managed knocked it out in just two weeks. That might be a personal record for me. The story needs editing of course but that story is now in the bank for release later this year or perhaps next. Short stories are good for anthologies, too.

Author Collaborations

Speaking of collaboration, I’m organizing another Christmas themed anthology for release later this year. Should be great and will feature a lot of new authors I’ve not published with before. Keep your eyes peeled for details on the blog or the coming soon page on my website in the second half of the year.

Party Party Party

Valentine’s Day has turned into a commercial enterprise and a lot of people don’t buy into all of it. My hubby and I do very little on the day, but its always a good excuse to have another reason tell him I love him to death. On Valentine’s Day (really the day after for me), I’m headed to Collette Cameron’s Facebook Group for a party running from 12pm- 6pm US EST. If you’ve the time, I’d love to see you there.

So, Sam or Dean Winchester?

Personally, I’m Dean all the way. He’s hilarious.

WeWriWa #30: No Ordinary Lady

I’m sharing another excerpt from my upcoming release as part of the WeWriWa blog hop. A bit of time has passed since the last excerpt I shared and it will give you a hint of what’s coming. I’ve been waiting years to write a scene like this into a book) You can find the last post here. here. Enjoy!

WeWriWa #30 Excerpt…

A figure ran past his window, catching Daniel’s attention. When two more followed, running too, he grinned. Finally. Something exciting must be going on.
He rose and put his face closer to the dirty windowpane.
There seemed to be some sort of commotion taking place just out of sight.
A cheer rang out, reaching even the occupants inside the inn, who were on their feet and headed for the door the next moment. Daniel hurried to follow, his curiosity piqued, and eager for any event to enliven his stay.
A wall of people blocked his view of the ruckus in the narrow alleyway beside the inn. But over the din of noise, he heard a woman shouting in outrage. His smiled slipped. The sound of distress drew him farther into the melee.
The woman was incensed about something serious.
Daniel attempted to push his way to the front, not an easy feat at all since everyone wanted a closer look at what was going on, too.
“You can’t do this!”
“Oh, yes, I can,” a man answered. “Come along, gentlemen, don’t be shy. Who here needs a woman? She’s strong, healthy and has all her own teeth. How much will you offer for her?”


Thanks so much for reading my excerpt.

I’ll continue sharing more of this upcoming release in the coming weeks but don’t forget to visit the other authors taking part in WeWriWa, click the image below.

WeWriWa #30

WeWriWa #30
No Ordinary Lady
Distinguished Rogues #20

She’s nothing but a common thief…and her next target is the Earl of Scarsdale’s heart.

Orphaned as a child and left in her uncle’s care, Marian Trill has known only a life of crime. Criss-crossing the countryside, she aids her uncle and his small troupe of thieves in conning well-to-do travelers…until one handsome mark catches her eye. Marian has no business betraying her only family for this gentleman’s safety…just as she has no business following Danny all the way to his country estate to return a valuable ring he left behind.

Daniel, Earl of Scarsdale, is returning home after years of avoiding the inevitable—marrying his neighbor’s daughter. He’d hoped to wed for love, but having failed at that venture, it’s time he took his duties seriously, even if it means settling for a woman more to his mother’s liking than his own. He didn’t count on the beguiling thief he met on the road following him home—nor on his scheming granny inviting her to stay as her companion.


No Ordinary Lady is a steamy regency romance novel.

Learn more here

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WeWriWa #29: No Ordinary Lady

Greetings again. I’m sharing another excerpt from my upcoming release as part of the WeWriWa blog hop. This excerpt follows on immediately from the last post. You can find it here. Enjoy!

WeWriWa #29 Excerpt…

“Once every other year is more than enough time to spend in close proximity with my mother,” Daniel announced with a nod as the carriage rolled to a stop in a muddy inn yard. “By all reports, the estate has thrived without my personal oversight anyway. Secure lodgings for us.”
Daniel glared at Sunday until he exited the carriage and left him to the task of speaking with the innkeeper to secure rooms for the night for himself and his servants. But it was mostly so Daniel wouldn’t have to look upon Sunday’s disappointed face again.
Daniel had enjoyed his week’s long journey homeward. Sunday had not. They had meandered from London into Sommerset, visiting any friends within a reasonable distance from the main roadways.
Daniel had a lot of friend, and had an abundance of enjoyment in their company.
He’d ate well, slept sufficiently, and flirting with as many pretty women as possible.

And a little more of the scene…

His journey was almost at an end, but he wanted one more night more or less to himself.
Eventually, he got out of the carriage too and looked about the village of Wraxall. He had never actually stopped here before since it was so close to home, but would make the time to it explore now. He doubted he’d ever have leisure to do so again.
The night before he announced to his family that he intended to marry was his last night of complete freedom as a gentleman. After tonight, he would never be unencumbered by a source of guilt again.


Thanks so much for reading my excerpt. I’ll continue sharing more of this upcoming release in the coming weeks but don’t forget to visit the other authors taking part in WeWriWa, click the image below.

WeWriwa #29

WeWriWa #29
No Ordinary Lady
Distinguished Rogues #20

She’s nothing but a common thief…and her next target is the Earl of Scarsdale’s heart.

Orphaned as a child and left in her uncle’s care, Marian Trill has known only a life of crime. Criss-crossing the countryside, she aids her uncle and his small troupe of thieves in conning well-to-do travelers…until one handsome mark catches her eye. Marian has no business betraying her only family for this gentleman’s safety…just as she has no business following Danny all the way to his country estate to return a valuable ring he left behind.

Daniel, Earl of Scarsdale, is returning home after years of avoiding the inevitable—marrying his neighbor’s daughter. He’d hoped to wed for love, but having failed at that venture, it’s time he took his duties seriously, even if it means settling for a woman more to his mother’s liking than his own. He didn’t count on the beguiling thief he met on the road following him home—nor on his scheming granny inviting her to stay as her companion.


No Ordinary Lady is a steamy regency romance novel.

Learn more here

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WeWriWa #28 No Ordinary Lady

Hey people. I’m sharing excerpts for my upcoming release, No Ordinary Lady, as part of the WeWriWa blog hop. I’m almost done with revisions. If you are a regular reader of my work, you might remember the character Scarsdale from previous Distinguished Rogues books. He’s a bit of a scoundrel when it comes to women, however, he might have turned over a new leaf. At the end of Yours Until Dawn he claimed he was going home. However, Scarsdale has never gone directly anywhere in his life. He’s dragging his feet as usual and upsetting his valet. Enjoy!

WeWriWa #28 Excerpt…

“Turn in here,” Daniel Dawkin, Lord Scarsdale, called to his coachman as they reached a familiar crossroad.
“We could still go on,” his valet, Sunday Paul, murmured, looking hopefully toward the long, empty road ahead. “There’s plenty of daylight left.”
“No. We spend the night here,” Daniel said firmly.
“But home is only two hours away,” Sunday argued.
“Your ma will still be there tomorrow,” Daniel promised, patting the fellow’s knee. Daniel’s valet was more friend than servant and he was eager to reach home and his doting mother. Sunday was bouncing in his seat with impatience.
Daniel was less eager, although this journey home had been entirely his idea. “Cheer up. It’s just one more night.”

And a little more of the scene…

“You keep saying that every time we stop. Lady Scarsdale will be none too pleased by these delays of yours,” Sunday warned.
“Well my mother wouldn’t have known I was even coming home if you hadn’t written to warn them to expect us,” Daniel shot back. “I told you I’d take care of the matter of informing them.”
“By writing the night before we arrive?”
“My mother didn’t need weeks to prepare her litany of complaints for my arrival,” Daniel replied, his humor for Sunday’s grumbles evaporating. “I’m sure she has made an even longer list since I saw her last year in London now.”
“It’s been five years since you’ve been home to the estate. Maybe she’ll be happy to see you finally return,” Sunday suggested with a hopeful expression, because he must know that would be impossible for Daniel’s mama.


Thanks so much for reading my excerpt. Next week I’ll continue with more of this upcoming release but don’t forget to visit the other authors taking part in WeWriWa, click the image below.

WeWriwa #28

WeWriWa #28
No Ordinary Lady
Distinguished Rogues #20

She’s nothing but a common thief…and her next target is the Earl of Scarsdale’s heart.

Orphaned as a child and left in her uncle’s care, Marian Trill has known only a life of crime. Criss-crossing the countryside, she aids her uncle and his small troupe of thieves in conning well-to-do travelers…until one handsome mark catches her eye. Marian has no business betraying her only family for this gentleman’s safety…just as she has no business following Danny all the way to his country estate to return a valuable ring he left behind.

Daniel, Earl of Scarsdale, is returning home after years of avoiding the inevitable—marrying his neighbor’s daughter. He’d hoped to wed for love, but having failed at that venture, it’s time he took his duties seriously, even if it means settling for a woman more to his mother’s liking than his own. He didn’t count on the beguiling thief he met on the road following him home—nor on his scheming granny inviting her to stay as her companion.

No Ordinary Lady is a steamy regency romance novel.

Learn more here

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Happy 2024

Happy 2024

Welcome to the New Year and Happy 2024! I am ridiculously optimistic about 2024. Should be a wonderful year full of new adventures, happy milestones and lots of conversation. I’ve really kept to myself a bit too much during the pandemic.

There’s lots in store for my readers this year and I want to remind you of the books I’ve written and announced to release this year. The first is No Ordinary Lady, followed by Miss Kimble Bites Back.

March – No Ordinary Lady

Lord Scarsdale is finally ready to do his duty and make a match of boring respectability. Returning home to woo a neighbor’s daughter should pose no great difficulty for a man of his worldly experience. It’s a match long expected by her family and of course his mother will be delighted. But on the way home, Scarsdale encounters a fiery beauty whose passionate advances cannot be turned aside. Indulging in one last fling wasn’t his intention, but his motto has always been never say never. Besides, how much trouble could one more lover possibly cause him?

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My second announced release is Miss Kimble Bites Back. This story is a Distinguished Rogues romance but also part of a year long publishing project – The Wallflowers Revenge.

September – Miss Kimble Bites Back

Gabby Kimble knew just who she wanted at the start of her first season. So why is she spending so much time defending an allegedly wicked duke instead? The closer she gets to Sebastien Spence, the more she finds a complex man…who’s not at all what society would have her believe.

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Work In Progress

I’m taking a short break at the moment, but when I’m back at my desk I’ll be continuing work on the next Scandalous Brides series romance novel.

Again, Happy 2024

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas!!

It’s Christmas Day in Australia! Yay! Time to make some new memories to carry me through the coming years. I’ll be sharing lunch with my family, visiting my mum later in the day, and most of all…not doing any work. (Wish me luck cause that isn’t easy for me.) It’s been a long year, hasn’t it? But satisfying. We’re still here.*grins* And not going anywhere…not while I’ve got so many ideas for new stories anyway.

During this year, I published a new series – The Scandalous Brides and introduced you to Amity, Stratford and Jasper Sweet…and their true loves. You also met Nash and Algernon Sweet and their stories are coming in 2024. Release dates yet to be decided.

Anyway, enough about books etc. I want to wish you, my readers and author friends, a Happy Christmas and a wonderful holiday to come…full of yummy treats and many joyous moments to remember in the years to come!

All the best!


Merry Christmas graphice

To learn about my upcoming releases for 2024 please visit my coming soon page


Happy ChristmasYou can also follow me on Facebook