Celebrating my 5th Indie-versary!

InTheWidowsBed_200Time to celebrate my a 5th Indie-versary. Five years ago today I published my first indie book. Huzzah! In the Widow’s Bed was a steamy older woman / younger man romance novella. At the time of publication I had low expectations of success, but I had been hearing about self-publishing for a while from the amazing Jordan Castillo Price podcast and loved what she had achieved. I was pretty disillusioned by my experience with a digital publisher and I thought it worth the effort to try on my own, regardless of having writing friends who cautioned against going the indie route.

Did I have doubts I was doing the right thing? Of course I did. I had very little by way of readership at that time with the very real fear of hearing crickets when I did hit publish. It was a test of my faith in my own writing ability and resiliance because at that time indie publishing was frowned upon by a great many authors. Being the recipient of the modern day ‘cut direct’ because I went the indie route was NOT NICE. The writer friends that have supported me from day one are the best and kindest people.

Regardless of the local distain, I published and the first month I sold more copies than I’d ever hoped to sell without the support of a publisher. I published Chills and Broken (book 1 and 2 of the Distinguished Rogues series) a few months later and I’ve not stopped putting out new books on my own. Over the last five years I’ve published a total of 29 titles, designed and redesigned my book covers, mastered print on demand and have never enjoyed an occupation more.

Chills Book Cover Image

Broken Book Cover Image

Indie publishing is often hard work, the currency conversions needed for lodging my taxes are the biggest headache of all, but its a rewarding career and business a great to run. I’m the one in charge of publishing to a schedule that I hope is frequent enough for readers although of course you can’t please everyone. I’m the one both responsible and occasionally irresponsible (Pajama Work Days) and I’ve only myself to complain to when I fail to live up to my own expectations.

Luckily for me the work involved in indie publishing is something I want to do and learn more of, which I think makes all the difference to my happiness. I don’t stand about flailing and waiting for someone to rescue me or tell me what to do. I get stuck in and find out how to do it myself.

Writing began as fun and that hasn’t changed for me. I wear a few too many hats some days, but I love the thrill of creating a new romance and getting my characters into tight spots. Delivering the story to readers is the work side of the business. Honest freelance editors are the one thing every author needs to have in their tool box. I could not have published without the help of great editors cleaning up my mistakes – Anne Victory, Kelli Collins, Sandra Sookoo, Mindy Moore. Thanks ladies for working with me and making my stories shine.

I will always be grateful for the indie publishing author community for their openness and incredible support. The inspiring stories from other authors facing the same challenges keep me sane and focussed on the work that needs to be done. I may lurk a lot in the forums, but I am cheering for everyone there. I am so grateful for the change that came to publishing that allow my writing to be shared with the world.

WTBS_3D2_533But the biggest thank you must go to a whole bunch of people, most that have never contacted to me directly.

Thank you Dear Reader whichever place or way you buy my books. Thank you for being interested in an author from down under who writes steamy english set regency romance and keep coming back for more. A big thank you to the readers who write reviews – the good and the bad and to the readers who email me direct. I have loved hearing from you these past years and I hope you’ll continue to share your reactions to my work with me.

I feel blessed to have such incredible life as a writer and I hope you’ll stick with me in the years to come.



All at Sea Onboard the Endeavor

After a few hiccups this week, thanks largely to my web host, the kinks are mostly sorted out on my new website. I am still so amazed by how easy and connected everything on my website is now. I may gush for a year.

All at Sea Onboard the EndeavorI recently had the very great pleasure of walking the decks HMS Endeavor. The replica of the vessel that sailed during the late 18th century under captain, First Lieutenant James Cook. Since it was visiting Newcastle for a short stay and I managed to squeeze a research trip into my day.

The Endeavor is fitted with 18 miles of rope, 10,000 sq feet of sail, a 127′ 11″ main mast and sailed with a crew of 94 men, leaving very little maneuvering room in certain parts of the ship–almost had to crawl on hands and knees at one point.

The captain had all the luxury in the Great Cabin. Sash windows at the stern, window seats to take in the view. Big table and fire of his own. The room was really light which surprised me. The captain slept on a sleeping platform while the rest of the crew beds where swinging cots. Officers had 18 inches of room, sailors had 14 inches.

I took a ton of photos (inside and out) and once I get them reduced in size a bit I’m hoping to add them to a new board on Pinterest.

Goodbye Smashwords

As of this week, my titles are no longer available through Smashwords. I’ve been wary of a few of their recent decisions and with much relief I have found an alternative that covers everything thing I need and hopefully my readers do too.

Choose Gumroad

You may notice the Gumroad icon on may of my book pages (and in Booksellers). All Gumroad listings are controlled by me directly. If you miss Smashwords but don’t like buying from Amazon, Kobo, B&N or Apple consider clicking on the gumroad copy icon. The process is very quick, payment can be through Paypal and both epub and kindle editions can be found there.

My Regency Romance Books

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