It’s done …

There is an incredible feeling of relief when you type ‘the end’ on a story. That happened for me yesterday but it wasn’t an easy writing day. The words didn’t come quickly and I got distracted very easily. I spent way too much time twittering but it’s done.

animated twitter button

Actually, while twittering I discovered another writer stuck at the same place and having the same issues. Now, we were both writing sex scenes – how hard can it be right. (I really thought about changing that line but … it stays.) She thought we might be writing the same story. What are the odds? (Yes, if you do know you can tell me.)

What a week it’s been in blogland. The internet has zinged all week with Harlequin’s change of direction and the repercussions of their decision. I’m not going to voice an opinion – enough has been said by minds more informed than mine. I’m still learning and the arguments have been fascinating.

Just for laughs this week I’m posting a link to Jess Dee’s blog. I do hope I’m not jinxing myself for computer troubles.

But the best news of the week is that one of my crit partners, Jerrica Knight-Catania, had a fantastic regency romance published this week. A Gentleman Never Tells is a great read! Check it out!

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