WeWriWa – In Her Image Pt2

Hey WeWriWa pals. Thank for coming back and for the comments last week on my regency mystery intro snippet. Your feedback was appreciated and I enjoyed the variety of reactions quite a bit. Sorry about the typo. I did warn you it was a wip. LOL Anyway, I’m continuing straight on from last week and my hero Damon is still viewing the body where it was found in Grosvenor Square, London. It is early morning.


“I know what I’m doing,” he warned even while he pulled his hat lower over his eyes to shield his face from clear view. He had discovered in the past few years that circumstance had made death a close and comfortable acquaintance. Andrew was not so comfortable with that development.

He studied the female victim lying dead at his feet. Young, judging by the smoothness of her features. Well off, as evidenced by the quality of her clothes and grooming, though any jewels or reticule could not be seen lying about on the patch of earth around them. So far though there was also no clear indication of how the girl had died either, her head was straight on her shoulders and there was no sign so far of any blood.

Using the tip of his cane he nudged the cloak away from her body.


I love and appreciate your comments. Thank you so much for visiting.

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Weekend Writing Warriors share 8 sentences of their writing, published or unpublished each week on their blog or website. Be sure to check out the other fantastic participating writers at http://www.wewriwa.com this weekend.

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Keepsake, regency romance, heather boyd, distinguished rogues


KEEPSAKE–Distinguished Rogues, 5:

The Marquess of Taverham married young and fast with his eye firmly on his bride’s dowry as the means to repair the family fortunes for the next generation. Too late he discovered his new wife wasn’t going to make achieving all of his dreams that easy.


WeWriWa: Miss George’s Second Chance Pt2

Happy Sunday! I had such a great response to the first Miss George’s Second Chance first snippet last weekend. Thank you so much for your wonderful words of encouragement. I’m following immediately on from last week


She limped forward, annoyed that her clumsiness at dinner earlier in the evening at his house had robbed her of her dignity. It was not every day she pursued a man for conversation, even when he was her best friend’s elder brother. She was taking quite a risk being here but it was within her power to improve their lot. Peter Watson may lack the good sense to detect and seize his only chance for security, but Imogen would not. She had a plan for her life and Mr. Peter Watson would suit her needs perfectly.

When she found the place she meant to sit, Mr. Watson remembered his manners and gallantly swept his coat from his shoulders and spread it on the ground so she might rest upon it. She was pleased to see that even while desperate, he did retain some good qualities. Her hopes for a smooth resolution soared.

I love and appreciate your comments. Thanks for reading.

Weekend Writing Warriors share 8 sentences of their writing, published or unpublished each week on their blog or website. Be sure to check out the other fantastic writers participating in WeWriWa this weekend.

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Brighton_200Miss George’s Second Chance – out November 13

Peter Watson once believed that marriage to Imogen George would solve his financial problems. He didn’t mind marrying for convenience and a large fortune when affection was within reach. Yet when he gains a title, an estate, and a fortune of his own the secretive writer releases him from their engagement so he might marry for love instead. Now he’s returned, unwed and unaware of changes in her life, should he do what is expected or listen to his heart?

Available for pre-order at:

Apple: Aus  |  US  |  UK  | Canada

WeWriWa: Miss George’s Second Chance Pt1

Happy November! Thanks for visiting my humble abode. Hope you’ve had an excellent week. Today I’m featuring the first lines from an upcoming release — Miss Watson’s Second Chance. Surprise. Surprise. It’s a regency romance – novella. Miss Watson will release November 13.


Difficult situations required desperate measures. Imogen George–writer, spinster and pragmatist–steeled her heart to be as brutal as any heroine before her had ever been. “Have you sulked enough Mr. Watson?”

The man sitting on the dark Brighton shoreline surged to his feet and then faced her. “Hell’s bells, what are you doing here?”

Imogen clenched her hands together to hide their trembling. Standing on the dark beach, waves crashing around them, made her meeting with her best friend’s brother potentially romantic though she doubted it would be. “I have a proposition for you, Mr. Watson.”

I love and appreciate your comments. Thanks for reading.

Weekend Writing Warriors share 8 sentences of their writing, published or unpublished each week on their blog or website. Be sure to check out the other fantastic writers participating in WeWriWa this weekend.

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WeWriWa: Hunting the Hero Pt10

Hey there. Happy Sunday and thanks for dropping by. This will be the last post from Hunting the Hero for a while. Following on from last week, creatively edited to keep within the 8 sentences. Enjoy.


Meredith’s pulse quickened. Grayling was handsome and had an air of command. A fallen angel sent to lure any good woman to ruin. Not that Meredith’s ruin was possible or even probable now. She’d fallen as far as she could already without being forced to beg. Yet when she looked Grayling over from head to toe, the idea of begging this man for anything involving pleasure held an appeal she could not dismiss easily. Men of his caliber rarely came her way.

However, for the first time in quite a long time, Meredith couldn’t help feeling just a little overcome by a man’s scrutiny.

I love and appreciate your comments. Thanks for reading.

Weekend Writing Warriors share 8 sentences of their writing, published or unpublished each week on their blog or website. Be sure to check out the other fantastic writers participating in WeWriWa this weekend.

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Hunting the Hero_200

Hunting the Hero OUT NOW

Meredith wants no part of her long-ago identity as Rosemary Randall. She’s created a more exciting life as a courtesan. She’ll never let herself be tied down to the Earl of Grayling, but something deep inside her yearns to stay. Should she trust the man she’s coming to love with the secrets of her past, or flee to save them both from heartbreak?


WeWriWa: Hunting the Hero Pt9

Weekends come around just too quick of late. Can you believe its just 73 days until the New Year (I’m trying not to think of the other big holiday for Aus). I’m posting another snippet from Hunting the Hero. I’ve moved on to chapter two and we’re in my heroine’s point of view. Hope your weekend’s rockin!


SINFULLY BEAUTIFUL MEN were Meredith Clark’s weakness, especially ones who didn’t notice the spell they cast over their captive audience. Known only as Calista in the secluded country brothel, Meredith Clark breathed deep, scenting the clean skin and earthy fragrance of Lord Grayling as he filled her starved senses. Her job might be to please those who came into her arms and bed, but gaining a little pleasure for herself in return was always an unlooked-for treat.

“I believe I shall leave you in Calista’s capable hands, my lord. Do be sure to ring if you require the slightest embellishment to your night,” Linnie murmured, casting Meredith a look that warned she’d better not leave him wanting for anything. The madam departed soundlessly. Grayling barely acknowledged Linnie’s departure. He remained apart and returned Meredith’s frank stare.

I love and appreciate your comments. Thanks for reading.

Weekend Writing Warriors share 8 sentences of their writing, published or unpublished each week on their blog or website. Be sure to check out the other fantastic writers participating in WeWriWa this weekend.

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Hunting the Hero_200

Hunting the Hero OUT NOW

Meredith wants no part of her long-ago identity as Rosemary Randall. She’s created a more exciting life as a courtesan. She’ll never let herself be tied down to the Earl of Grayling, but something deep inside her yearns to stay. Should she trust the man she’s coming to love with the secrets of her past, or flee to save them both from heartbreak?


WeWriWa: Hunting the Hero Pt8

Greetings. Disastrous week on the writing front here. Computer problems and program updates are driving me crazy but thankfully WeWriWa posts everything better. 🙂 I’m again sharing more from Hunting the Hero. I’ve skipped ahead a teensy bit from last week. In the last excerpt shared, Constantine wanted an introduction. Calista strutted forward and…


The bold move placed her between him and the bawd as if the larger woman might need her protection. “This was a private conversation, my lord.”

“About me.”

Calista shrugged as if the matter were of no importance. “Wagers are placed in any number of places and at any time about many things. Do you take offence to each and every one?”

“I never said I was offended. I just doubt your ability to do as you claim.”

I love and appreciate your comments. Thanks for reading.

Weekend Writing Warriors share 8 sentences of their writing, published or unpublished each week on their blog or website. Be sure to check out the other fantastic writers participating in WeWriWa this weekend.

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Hunting the Hero_200

Hunting the Hero OUT NOW

Meredith wants no part of her long-ago identity as Rosemary Randall. She’s created a more exciting life as a courtesan. She’ll never let herself be tied down to the Earl of Grayling, but something deep inside her yearns to stay. Should she trust the man she’s coming to love with the secrets of her past, or flee to save them both from heartbreak?