WeWriWa: Hunting the Hero Pt7

Greetings. I hope you’re having a great weekend. Its a long weekend for me and just a few more days till school resumes. If you’re a parent you’ll know exactly why I’m so happy today — peace soon. Yippee!! I’m sharing more from Hunting the Hero – creatively edited a bit. Last week Calista claimed to know what men wanted and my hero Constantine was listening to every word.


The challenge was boldly made. All men wanted the same thing from a woman, didn’t they? No demands but on their body, no conversation save for what they expected in bed. There was no doubt her experiences had made Calista overconfident, too. But his curiosity was roused and he was determined to find out more about her.

Constantine moved until he stood openly in the doorway, nudging the opening wider so he could view the entire room. Before him, Mrs. Cohen towered over the woman called Calista who didn’t reach higher than his chest. Constantine was drawn to the stubborn, smug glint in Calista’s eyes –they sparkled with the thrill of her dare.

I love and appreciate your comments. Thanks for reading.

Weekend Writing Warriors share 8 sentences of their writing, published or unpublished each week on their blog or website. Be sure to check out the other fantastic writers participating in WeWriWa this weekend.

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Hunting the Hero OUT NOW

Meredith wants no part of her long-ago identity as Rosemary Randall. She’s created a more exciting life as a courtesan. She’ll never let herself be tied down to the Earl of Grayling, but something deep inside her yearns to stay. Should she trust the man she’s coming to love with the secrets of her past, or flee to save them both from heartbreak?


WeWriWa: Hunting the Hero Pt6

Hey, welcome back for WeWriWa. I hope you’ve had a great week and have managed to get some serious fun into your days. It’s the school holidays here and my youngest son keeps abducting me to hang out with him. He’s 11 so I’m making the most of being wanted. I know it doesn’t last forever. LOL I’m continuing with excerpts from Hunting the Hero again this week, moving ahead just a touch in the chapter.


 “What would I do without you?” Mrs. Cohen murmured, genuine affection softening her voice. “These are powerful men and must be looked after as if they were made of glass.”

“Not glass, Linnie. Something much, much warmer.” Calista’s gaze shifted to the doorway where he hid. Her lips lifted into a cunning smile as if she knew he was there, listening while they planned his seduction. “I’ve been at this for a long time now and I know what men want — trust me.”

I love and appreciate your comments. Thanks for reading.

Weekend Writing Warriors share 8 sentences of their writing, published or unpublished each week on their blog or website. Be sure to check out the other fantastic writers participating in WeWriWa this weekend.

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Hunting the Hero OUT NOW

Meredith wants no part of her long-ago identity as Rosemary Randall. She’s created a more exciting life as a courtesan. She’ll never let herself be tied down to the Earl of Grayling, but something deep inside her yearns to stay. Should she trust the man she’s coming to love with the secrets of her past, or flee to save them both from heartbreak?


WeWriWa: Hunting the Hero Pt5

Yay. I managed to drag myself from the wip and signup for WeWriWa. I’m loving my current project but I’m continuing with excerpts from my latest regency historical romance Hunting the Hero. My hero Constantine is where I left him last time still spying through the crack in the door.


“If Solange is the sort to tempt him, then I’m sure he will be well satisfied,” she said, her tone dripping with contempt. Her shoulder lifted a touch as she dismissed him out of hand. “Lord Squires is always expected at ten. He usually asks for me.”

Mrs. Cohen drew closer. “Squires would be nothing compared to Grayling in your bed. If you would but listen to what was said of him you would not be so dismissive. How can you not accept the challenge of stealing him away from Solange?”

Weekend Writing Warriors share 8 sentences of their writing, published or unpublished each week on their blog or website. Be sure to check out the other fantastic writers participating in WeWriWa this weekend.

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Hunting the Hero_200

Hunting the Hero OUT NOW

Meredith wants no part of her long-ago identity as Rosemary Randall. She’s created a more exciting life as a courtesan. She’ll never let herself be tied down to the Earl of Grayling, but something deep inside her yearns to stay. Should she trust the man she’s coming to love with the secrets of her past, or flee to save them both from heartbreak?


WeWriWa: Hunting the Hero Pt4

I had a fantastic time last week catching up with favorite authors participating in WeWriWa. Hopefully, I’ll get around a few more people this weekend. I’m continuing with excerpts from my new regency historical romance Hunting the Hero so I hope you keep reading.


The madam glanced over her shoulder and he ducked back out of sight before he was seen. He might be impatient for an introduction so he could dismiss his curiosity soon after, but he was interested in their argument too. It was not every day a man overheard an honest conversation in a place like this.

“I refuse to listen to Mallory’s dull playing for one more night,” the dark-haired girl muttered in a smooth, sultry voice that belied her tiny appearance. “She hasn’t the talent to entertain the whole room and your busiest night is always filled with the same faces.”

“Lord Grayling has come and needs to be entertained,” Mrs. Cohen answered in a shocked tone.

On hearing his name, Constantine eased close to the door and peeked through the crack again. The dark-haired nymph stood with her back to the fire, rubbing her hands together as if she was chilled through.

Weekend Writing Warriors share 8 sentences of their writing, published or unpublished each week on their blog or website. Be sure to check out the other fantastic writers participating in WeWriWa this weekend.

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Hunting the Hero_200

Hunting the Hero OUT NOW

Meredith wants no part of her long-ago identity as Rosemary Randall. She’s created a more exciting life as a courtesan. She’ll never let herself be tied down to the Earl of Grayling, but something deep inside her yearns to stay. Should she trust the man she’s coming to love with the secrets of her past, or flee to save them both from heartbreak?


WeWriWa: Hunting the Hero

I’m back. Did you miss me? It’s been ages since I’ve had time to participate and I’ve missed WeWriWa peep and their stories too. Weekend Writing Warriors share 8 sentences of their writing, published or unpublished each week on their blog or website. Since I have a new regency historical romance release just out, I’m sharing an excerpt from that story — Hunting the Hero…


Constantine extricated himself from Solange’s clinging grasp, ignoring her huff and pout as he handed her his wine glass and excused himself to get a second, longer look at the dark-haired girl.

The hallway was empty, and as he looked down the hall trying to decide where she might have disappeared to, he cursed his foolishness for chasing after a light-skirt who’d made no effort to attract his attention.

As he took a few steps away from the pianoforte’s tapping, he detected voices speaking urgently not too far away. Mrs. Cohen’s voice he clearly heard coming from a nearby room, followed by a quieter response from someone else. A door stood ajar and he eased closer to it.

As he neared the doorway, Mrs. Cohen burst out angrily, “What do you mean you’re not needed? Tonight is always our busiest night.”

Constantine peeked through the gap, noting the dark-haired girl was indeed tiny when compared with the madam of the bawdy house.

Be sure to check out the other fantastic writers participating in WeWriWa this weekend.

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Hunting the Hero OUT TODAY

Meredith wants no part of her long-ago identity as Rosemary Randall. She’s created a more exciting life as a courtesan. She’ll never let herself be tied down to the Earl of Grayling, but something deep inside her yearns to stay. Should she trust the man she’s coming to love with the secrets of her past, or flee to save them both from heartbreak?