Six Sunday #34 Forsaking the Prize Part 4

Is it Sunday already? Wow this week has really flown by. Thanks for dropping by my blog. It’s time for another Six Sunday Post from Forsaking the Prize. We continue on from last Sunday’s post but if you need a recap,  click here to start reading from the beginning.



Leopold pushed him (Tobias) across the room until he stood between a set of mirrors. He could see himself from all angles. Every pain he’d suffered was before his eyes. White scars crisscrossed his back, flexing under his muscles in a way that even he found repulsive. He turned from the view. “As expected.”


Six Sunday #34

I really appreciate everyone who reads and comments each week, and those visiting my blog for the first time. You will find amazing authors participating in Six Sunday by visiting the host site, Six Sentence Sunday and by searching for #sixsunday via Twitter.

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