Six Sunday #35 Forsaking the Prize Part 5

Busy. Busy weekend. Right now, I’m probably glued to the TV watching the V8 Supercars, Australia’s premier racing series and my favorite and only sport to watch. Go Ford & DJR! Hope your day is just as fun. Continuing on from last week.


“This is not what I expected,” Leopold growled. “The duke said you were well cared for.”

“The duke lied, or else has a different definition of care than most people.”

“How can you not be furious?”

“The Duke of Romsey is dead. Cousin Edwin is dead, and the young duke doesn’t look a bit like either of them.”


Oh and PS: I do try to reciprocate and visit anyone who comments on my posts but sometimes that proves impossible. If you use word verification on your  blog it’s likely I couldn’t pass the test. After three attempts to comment, I admit defeat and move on to the next blogger. 🙁

I really appreciate everyone who reads and comments each week, and those visiting my blog for the first time. You will find amazing authors participating in Six Sunday by visiting the host site, Six Sentence Sunday and by searching for #sixsunday via Twitter.

21 thoughts on “Six Sunday #35 Forsaking the Prize Part 5”

  1. I agree about the word verification. Some people don’t know it’s on their site though (blogger switched it on automatically in January). I’ve had to give up several times myself.

    Will be interested to see what happens to the new duke.

  2. Very intriguing excerpt!

    I used to use the word verification. It keeps out the trash, but I agree. It gets to be too much, going blind trying to type something and still being able to get through. I did away with it on mine when people mentioned they were having trouble getting in. Not worth it!

  3. Intriguing snippet.

    “The duke lied, or else has a different definition of care than most people.” -So much detail in one sentence. Love it!

  4. I am almost blind so the word verification is a challenge. Glad to hear I’m not the only one. Guess his attitude is what’s done is done, and now I hope he will heal.

  5. Terrific! I like the pragmatism of Tobias and the sympathy of Leopold.

    I have problems with word verification, too. I can read one or the other but rarely both. 🙂

  6. I can’t seem to do that word verification either. It’s frustrating and quite annoying. I love his dialogue, sounds arrogant but in a good way!

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