The Journey Continues

Hey, I’ve reached a major milestone! Today marks the 2nd Anniversary of my Indie Publishing journey. Two years ago today I self-published In The Widow’s Bed, fully expecting to sell maybe 100 copies tops. Since then I’ve published 13 ebooks, 5 print editions (several for friends too) designed & redesigned covers and content layout. Hubby and I did a count up today and we reckon I’ve exceeded my expectations by about 2000%.

As you can imagine, the last two years have been pretty full on and I’ve learned a lot. The biggest surprise, a happy one, was discovering readers, wonderful people, liked my wild imaginings. There is nothing better than gaining a new subscriber to my newsletter, receiving a review, or receiving fan mail from a happy reader. It totally makes my day so thank you. I hope you’ll continue reading my stories for many years to come.



4 thoughts on “The Journey Continues”

  1. Congratulations, Heather. Your journey is very inspirational and I thank you for sharing your achievements. I’m in awe of the number of your books out, fabulous! Wishing you continuing success and hope you reach all your goals. Hugs.

  2. This is a wonderful story to read Heather. Huge congratulations on what appears to have been a dedication to your work that has turned into an inspiration for others!

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