What’s next? What if?

I probably talk to myself than is good for anyone. When I finish a story, lift my head from the keyboard, I’m immediately questioning my next move. I optimistically decide to take some time away from writing, see what everyone else does with their days. Maybe I’ll kick back, relax and take in the view for a week or two. Spend time away from my regency world.

Never, ever happens.

At most, I reckon I manage a few shopping hours and an excursion to the nearest beach to be stalked by seagulls and super glossy black crows who think my purpose being there is to feed them. [Photo on the right courtesy of my quick snapping spouse, John]

But you see the minute I’m done with one story, my imagination rushes off to consider ‘what’s next’ and then the inevitable ‘what if’s’ start. I’ve not even really finished the last story completely at this point. I still have editing and formatting and publicity to set up before one book is truly final. I get no peace so it has to be a good thing I love writing and creating new adventures in the regency world I’ve created.

So, what’s next?

I’m editing the Trouble with Love right now. You might have seen a few tweets and Facebook posts about this upcoming novel. [If you have, please share or retweet me. You’ll make my day.]

The feedback from my editor was great for this story too. The changes she’s suggested should be easy and quick to finish. Painless is good. I’m strapped in this week to tackle the biggest tweaks, then its proofing time, and then formatting etc etc until its ready to be shared with reviewers and then readers everywhere.

But after that: What If …

I thought I knew what I wanted to work on next but unfortunately I hate having unfinished stories.

I dusted off Rebel Hearts book 4 last week after a year of not working on it, or being able to think of it without annoyance. You see this story, An Affair so Right, had a good beginning and then everything went terribly wrong wrong with my progress. I have picked it up and put it aside more often than I’ve ever done with another story and still never finished it. My excuse: I had some Real Life issues that took me away from work last year and (hammered me emotionally too) so the end result was the story suffered until I couldn’t work on it anymore.

The first draft was almost finished when I set it aside too. It’s not bad, but I see now after a week of assessing the manuscript it could be so much better. I’m imagining all sorts of possibilities for improvement and thankfully rediscovering my love for these characters. There’s a couple spots that will need a rewrite and additional chapters to be written to solidify the romance between the characters and that should be it. More on this story next month.

Until next time. Hope you’re week is going the way you planned.








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