Miss Radley’s Third Dare is ready to be read!

Miss Radley's Third Dare cover imageAt long last I can share Miss Radley’s Third Dare, the third story about the residents of Brighton during the regency. Thank you for your patience too dear readers. I know it’s been a very long time since Miss George’s Second Chance. This story is set three months after Julia dared Valentine Merton to a race in the sea. He lost fair and square but all has not been smooth sailing in their little community. Julia has suffered, Valentine is annoyed (with everyone else) and the more he tries to pull away the more she’d tries to make everything right again. I love how they are together because they were not what I intended when I first imagined this series of characters. Yes, Julia is something of a hoyden and Valentine is still clever and fun but together they are something special. The most unconventional match I’ve ever written.

I do hope you enjoy Miss Radley’s Third Dare.

Copies are available everywhere in print and digital editions.

Amazon |  Apple |  Kobo |  Nook |  aRE |  GooglePlay

There’s also a print book giveaway running over at Goodreads this month. Ends on the 20th!


MMLH_DC200Miss Merton’s Last Hope…

… is available for preorder now with a October 13 release date.

Never-to-wed Melanie Merton had a knack for repelling suitors, that is until Walter George got close enough to learn her secrets. But even a gentleman like Walter must be kept at a distance for his own good.

There’s also more info about the story on her book page.

You can reserve your copy at AMAZON and at iBOOKS and also here KOBO.


Goals for August

* Complete Reason to Wed for my awesome editor Kelli Collins by the middle of the month. I’m almost ready to send.

* Work on something completely different for the remaining days of August. Vampires! The story will likely be very rough but its a means of feeding my creativity and who knows I might just publish it down the track. We’ll see how the story turn out.

* Get a Fitbit. A friend was showing me her device recently and explained how it keeps her motivated and honest about her daily exercise. I sit on my butt 5 days a week working at home so I need all the help I can get to remember to move. She’s in a group of other fitbit users who track their progress and meet challenges set by the group – that feature blew me away. I get bored working out solo and with the proof the device records I think I might have a chance to slim down by summer.