NaNoWriMo Countdown

Last year I participated in NaNoWriMo and its official, I’m going to torture myself again this year.

For those of you who don’t know, NaNoWriMo is a month-long marathon where writers start writing frantically on November 1 and finish November 30. The only thing that matters during NaNoWriMo is writing 50,000 words.

I shocked myself last year by not only reaching 50,000 but exceeding it. Here’s my summary from last year:

-*- reached 50,918 by the 20th November
-*- reached 77,537  & THE END on the 28th November
-*- endured 1 migraine & lots of body aches from sitting so long
-*- bludged 6 days – no writing done
-*- highest wordcount day – 5,782 words

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So, what can you do to participate in NaNoWriMo? First sign up on the NaNoWriMo site and read some, or all, of the great tips and prepare for November 1. Particularly join a chat room – I found fantastic inspiration in the erotic fiction forum.

Since I’m already signed up I know what else I need :

       *  A killer idea and outline to write from (yes, I’m a plotter)
    **  A notebook for recording my random thoughts & plot ideas during the writing day
  ***  A calendar to track my progress and with pretty stickers as rewards
****  Pictures & a music soundtrack to keep me writing when things get hard

A hint for new participants. Stock the shelves with groceries, pay the bills, and have a cleaning frenzy before November 1. To reach 50,000 you really have to let a lot slide during the month and when you’re not writing, make sure you spend all your time with the family.

NaNoWriMo is an exhausting month but a fantastic way to write that book. Are you brave enough ?

If you are up for the challenge let me know so I can cheer you on!

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In the beginning …

In the beginning there was the idea that I could write a novel. It took me nine months to complete Chills, another month to type up because I wanted the whole writer experience (or what I thought it was) and hand wrote in notebooks. Foolish girl aren’t I.
Then came NaNoWriMo – and I thought why not. So I spent a month feverishly writing my next novel and let my butt really spread. Just kidding … although! Never mind. Thanks to NaNoWriMo I now know what I’m capable of. I wrote a 70k novel in a month. Knocking over a chapter each writing session was possible. Editing should be easy right! Yeah sure. No.

Editing my first novel was hard. I had forgotten a lot of what I had written. I seem to have forgotten all about the rules of punctuation too. A crash course in punctuation was needed. I’m a member of a nice friendly writing group and I have finally submitted some chapters for critique. I’m looking forward to hearing what they say…